Sunday, May 23, 2010

Menu - Week 1

Strawberry-Mango Smoothie: half cup strawberry, half cup mango, half cup vanilla soy, one cup ice, one banana

Blueberry-Mango Smoothie: half cup blueberry, half cup mango, half cup vanilla soy or milk, one cup ice, one banana

Watermelon-Mango Smoothie: One cup watermelon, half cup mango, half cup carrot juice, one cup ice, one banana

Mango-Carrot Smoothie: One cup mango, half cup carrot juice, one cup ice, one banana

Strawberry-Kale Smoothie: One cup strawberry, two kale leaves, one cup ice, half cup carrot juice, one banana 

Jalapano-Yam (or Sweet Potato) Smoothie: One jalapeno, one cup yam, slice of lemon, one cup carrot juice or soy

Mango-Azuki Smoothie (protein shake): 1 cup azuki bean, 1/2 cup mango, 1 cup soy, 1 banana, 1 cup ice

A slice of lemon can be added to any of these to add tartness.

Sin Menu
Bacon Milkshake: Two slices of bacon, one cup vanilla ice-cream, 1/2 cup heavy cream, one cup soy or milk

Mango-Lemon Milkshake: Half cup mango, slice of lemon, 1/2 cup heavy cream, one cup soy or milk
We'll update this post with nutrition data (ahem, Wan).  We'll explain the "sin menu" in another post.

Note: Banana is used not only for its potassium, but also as a way to make the smoothie creamier.
Note: Matrix Whey Protein and Creatine can be added for $1, each.
Note: We're trying to add Odwalla Orange Juice to the menu for those who prefer sweet smoothies.  


  1. Your smoothies are a good deal. I used to pay over $8 for a large protein booster at Emerald City. They don't even use fresh fruit.

    I'll be back to try a Yam smoothie. How does it taste with the Matrix protein powder?

    Also, someone mentioned using kidney beans for protein. Sounds interesting. How's the taste?

  2. It's probably not a good idea to mix Yam with protein powder because both are thickeners. Protein powder seems to work best with watermelon.
