Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Final Inspection Passed

We open tonight if we can figure out how to use the cash register. 


  1. woo hoo! I'm coming by for a bacon milkshake soon! Ever since I tried it, I have been craving another.

  2. Did you guys open?? How's it going? What's selling?

  3. I stopped by your shop a few days ago and - WHOA - love the bursts of color on the walls, the chalk drawings (who did you hire for those?), and furniture (antiques??)

    Are you open??

  4. Yes, we're open, but not for all the hours printed out our hour sheet. The high school students we've hired -- great employees -- won't be out of school until June 18. So until then, Andrew will have to take a few hours off during the late morning/early afternoons to pick up produce (2 hours), and to walk the dog. Well, we have someone for the morning hours on Thursday and Friday. We hope to be open at all listed hours for those days.

    We're focusing on basic smoothies and protein shakes. We'll discuss them more in another post.

    Oi, Wan did the chalk drawings. The furniture, yes, antiques (put together awkwardly).

    We're exhausted, but have never felt so good.

  5. So... what happens to people who make smoothies for 15 hours a day?

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. I love following your blog. Is there a way to receive automatic notifications when you guys post a new entry?

  8. b,

    Yes, click on "Follow" on the top left of this page.

    To everyone, we're swamped. We'll add new posts ASAP.

  9. Those who make smoothies 15 hours a day lose a lot of weight and get little sleep.

  10. Wan, I am so excited for you and your business partner. I have learned so much over the last two years of cooking for myself after recovering from cancer.

    I am now in Chicago in the States. Stay in touch.
